Edible Garden Show Review
Award-winning grow-your-own event, The Edible Garden Show had a fantastic turn out at London’s Alexandra Palace at the weekend, with thousands of keen gardeners visiting from all around the country.
The Edible Garden Show was launched in response to the grow-your-own revolution sweeping the country as many more people are choosing healthier and greener options to be incorporated into their lives. The emphasis was on living a sustainable lifestyle, and we like to think that Slug Gone helps you create this. Slug Gone is made from a by-product of the wool industry, is totally organic, and at the end of the season biodegrades into the soil to help condition it.
We had a fantastic response from gardeners visiting our stand, where we sold out of the 10 litre tubs of Slug Gone by mid-afternoon on Sunday. Also on sale were 3.5 litre bags of Slug Gone, Copper Slug Tape (another best seller), Vitax Q4 fertiliser and Liquid Growmore.
The whole show was an inspiration with many interesting and innovative products, along with talks about gardening and cooking using home grown produce, and Alexandra Palace was a breathtaking new venue for us. We’re looking forward to being there again in 2015, when the show returns for its fifth year.