Joe Maiden writes for Slug Gone
We are delighted to have Joe Maiden, lifetime horticulturist, garden writer, broadcaster, journalist, Chairman of the West Yorkshire branch of the National Vegetable Society, President of Adel Horticultural Society, President of the British Isle Rose Society, life member of the Leeds Horticultural Society and garden consultant writing for our website. Joe has been using wool fibre sheep pellets for about 30 years. These pellets are now of course sold by Vitax under the name of Slug Go [...]

Young Gardeners
Llanishen Fach Primary School near Cardiff have been getting the children interested in gardening at a young age by starting a gardening club. After lots of hard work building raised beds and planting rows of lettuces, they decided to test out various ways and means of controlling the slug and snail population. The children planted a control row, and alongside that they tried various traditional remedies such as egg shells, beer traps and coffee grounds, plus a row of Slug Gon [...]

Edible Garden Show Review
Award-winning grow-your-own event, The Edible Garden Show had a fantastic turn out at London’s Alexandra Palace at the weekend, with thousands of keen gardeners visiting from all around the country. The Edible Garden Show was launched in response to the grow-your-own revolution sweeping the country as many more people are choosing healthier and greener options to be incorporated into their lives. The emphasis was on living a sustainable lifestyle, and we like to think that Slug Gone [...]

The Edible Garden Show
The timetables for the Edible Garden Show have been published on the website http://www.theediblegardenshow.co.uk/show-guide/timetable-friday for you to plan your day. In the Experts theatre there will be talks throughout the day by well-known broadcasters and gardeners giving inspiring tips, ideas and demonstrations, whilst in the Cookery theatre there will be some treats in store as the chefs demonstrate recipe [...]

Philadelphia Flower Show
Vitax will be supporting their US distributor of SlugGone, William Evans from Quince Creek, at the Philadelphia Flower Show. The show is organised and run by the Philadelphia Horticultural Society, and is open on 28th February for a preview day, then open to the public from 1st to 9th March. The show attracts over 250,000 visitors from all over the United States and the rest of the world. Philadelphia is the home to America’s first horticultural society, and this show dates back to [...]

Garden Press Day
Vitax had another successful day at the Garden Press Event at the Barbican Exhibition Hall this week. Fortunately the weather and the trains were good to us, so a large number of garden writers were able to attend the show. This is the only Gardening & Home event dedicated exclusively for the Press and Media. One of over a hundred companies exhibiting, this event was the ideal place to bring our product range to the attention of the media. Slug Gone took centre stage again. Many [...]

Vitax had a busy day at The Garden Centre Group trade show yesterday. Our stand was staffed by Colin Wetherley-Mein (Sales Manager) and Ralph Fitter (National Accounts Manager) and featured many products including the extremely popular Slug Gone. It was a chilly start to the day in the capacious animal sheds at the Malvern show ground. Heavy rain and local flooding caused transport problems for many of the visitors. But the show ended on a high note as many more people arrived in the [...]